
Hi, I'm Thelma ... I love stone walls, yard sales, old houses, JUNK, old cars & old trucks, bicycles, and anything antique. Louise and I spend our summertime Saturdays junking! In the winter time we are dreaming about warm summer days and dusty country roads. Maybe we'll pass you on our way by!

We go from yard sale to yard sale, to auctions - we'll even find an old barn and crawl through it! Because we love it! 

Some of it we have a hard time parting with! But most of our treasures we do sell. Sometimes you can find us in Rosseau, or just wandering around the countryside.

Hi, I'm Louise ...I love train whistles in the distance, the slam of a screen door (I don't know what it is), the smell of old boathouses ... I love old tins, old advertising signs, old baskets - and making baskets.